The technical issues with the bursary application system that delayed money transfers to students last semester have been repaired and all fall bursaries have been distributed.
Last semester, students who applied for bursaries with Algonquin’s Financial Aid office experienced a delay in the processing of their applications.
“This was due to a technical issue with ACSIS when the bursary closed,” said Financial Aid and Student Awards manager Krisha Stanton to the Times in December.
“We have been able to fix the technical issues we had in the fall,” said Stanton. However, the current system might be replaced in the near future.
Stanton revealed, on Jan. 19, the start of a project to develop a new bursary application system for upcoming years.
“The new system will allow a student to update information on their application in real time and give real time updates on bursary status,” she said.
The Financial Aid office is aiming to have the new system ready for the fall of 2016.
This new system would benefit those students looking to be better informed about the status of their application.
First-year advertising and communication management student Jaclyn Wallace, 23, was among those affected. She applied for a bursary through ACSIS in early October but did not get any type of notification about its status or its result.
Wallace did, however, like the simplicity of the application process.
“It was very easy to use and quick to get through,” she said.
Last semester, the Financial Aid and Student Awards office gave 3,362 bursaries to students at all three campuses.
The 2016 winter bursary application is currently open and will be available until Feb. 2.