By: Brooke Timpson

Algonquin students got an up-close introduction to the 35 active clubs at this year’s Clubs Day.
Tables, display boards and swag were displayed in the Student Commons along with sign up sheets in hopes of recruiting new members on Sept. 24, 2013.
Susan Li, a third-year business administration student was one of the students to visit the displays.
With an interest in finance and learning more about the job market, Li joined the Algonquin Finance Club, one of the oldest and most active clubs on campus.
“Many students enjoy being involved with us,” said Vicki Kotow, the club’s president, “we offer different perspectives, not just a focus for finance students.”
“We welcome anyone who wants to learn more about the management of money, OSAP and credit,” Kotow said.
On the other side of the room, another one of the college’s newest clubs offered flyers and played music.
With a focus on culture, the Latin American Student’s Club aims to promote and engage the Latin American community on campus.
“Anyone here can join. We hope the members learn about (the Latin American) culture and enjoy fun networking events,” said Marjorie Camarena, president of the club.
“Right now we have a strong presence on Facebook, but we are hoping to have more involved at our events.”
Among the tables with some of the heaviest streams of visitors was the Algonquin Gamers Society
With over 20 active members, it is one of the college’s largest and most active clubs.
“We were founded last September and we have about 12 to 14 people at each of our weekly meetings very consistently,” said Brian Nelson, the club’s co-president and a second-year computer programing student.
Organization and financial help from the students’ association partnered with the opportunity for students to validate their involvement with the college’s Co-Curricular Record has never made the time to join a club has never been more beneficial, said Faris Lehn, the Student’s Association Clubs Promoter.
With representation from many different student groups and interests, Lehn admits that there is always room for more diversity.
“I’d really love to see more cultural and political groups founded on campus this year,” said Lehn. “I think those kinds of additions could really be great for the student experience.”
“If someone has an idea that they don’t see on campus, they should get 10 of their friends and make it happen.”
Students who are interested in joining or creating a club can visit the students’ association website at