The two presidents of Algonquin and Carleton University signed a transfer credit agreement March 12.
The transfer credit agreement formalized existing links between Algonquin and Carleton programs, while adding new pathways for students.
“We had a number of agreements that were in place but not necessarily formalized,” said Claude Brulé, Algonquin’s vice president academic. “We saw this as a great opportunity for Cheryl (Jensen), as our new president, to have the opportunity in her official capacity to have a signing ceremony.”
The signing formalized 26 articulation agreements where students from Algonquin who have completed diplomas and advanced diplomas can seek 2.5 to seven credit exemptions towards bachelor’s degrees at Carleton.
The agreement also added a new tie between Algonquin’s business administration (accounting) advanced diploma to Carleton’s bachelor of commerce – accounting program with 10 transferrable credits.
Students have to meet certain GPA requirements to be eligible for the credit transfers, most commonly a 3.4 or 73 per cent average.
According to Brulé, the articulation agreements are not only a way to show that the two institutions are working together, but also to attract prospective students to Algonquin.
“A lot of students… look to see what else they may wish to do in the future and may look to an institution to see how many pathways and bridges they have with other institutions,” he said. “For Algonquin College we want to make sure that we have very solid pathways that can help students achieve their academic ambitions.”
The agreement means that students who graduate from the following programs can transfer credits toward earning bachelor of arts degrees at Carleton: museum studies, biotechnology advanced, broadcasting – radio, broadcasting – television, business (accounting, marketing, management and entrepreneurship), business administration (accounting, finance, general, human resources, international business, marketing, materials and operations management), child and youth worker, community and justice services, computer programmer, developmental services worker, early childhood education, geomatics technician, journalism, law clerk, library and information technician, paralegal, professional accounting, police foundations, police foundations, recreation and leisure services, social service worker, veterinary technician, general arts and science and business administration (accounting).