By: Joseph Cacciotti

A business management and entrepreneurship student is working to franchise and expand a brand of synthetic car oil. There currently is a very limited market in Canada, and Michael Warren is using the skills learned here at the college to open Canadian Markets to the product.
He is a 22 year old student attending Woodroffe campus and manages, distributes and promotes PROLONG Super Lubricants. He has a passion for business and real estate, and is currently developing his skills working as a salesman, manager, HR representative and visionary for PROLONG.
Various publications have labelled the most powerful oil in the world; it is one of the leading additives in the United States and the United Kingdom.
PROLONG is a synthetic lubricant whose efficiency depends on the vehicle and the type of engine; however in all cases it increases the longevity of the engine. They are successful because their Anti-friction metal treatment is unique worldwide.
“It increases torque or power through reduced friction”, said Warren, “this extends the life of the car allowing it to run smoother.”
PROLONG has been dominating the world of motor sports for decades, and has been featured in Car and Driver Magazine as the most powerful oil in the world, and has received recognition from Racecar Engineering Magazine and Fox News in the United States. Renowned racer Smokey Yunick drove a Dodge Viper using only PROLONG for 200 laps. He didn’t believe a car without oil would even be able to make it through one.
Though PROLONG has a strong international presence, it is based in the United States and the Canadian market remains largely untapped. The Warren family is the only licensed distributor of PROLONG in the country which gives him a unique and valued opportunity to expand on a profitable business venture.
Warren’s story began with his grandfather, Arthur Charles Warren who saw an opportunity to start selling it, and in his first year he earned over $100 000. His grandfather acquired the distributing rights, and is helping Mike continue the venture.
“So I decided to go to college to learn how to run my own business”, said Warren.
Warren was raised primarily by his single mother Lorie Ann Warren and the babysitters who took care of his while she worked. His grandfather Arthur was his male role model. He has one younger brother.
His greatest influence has been his mother, he learned,“Perserverence from my mother, never giving up, dedication. Theyre kind of all wrapped up in one big sushi roll. When I was growing up it wasn’t all sunshine and lollipops, for my mother to turn around and become onbe of the top 21 real estate agents in Ottawa was wonderful. From nothing to something. I look up to her.”
His mother Lorie is a very intelligent, caring and professional woman. She is in the Remax Hall of Fame, and runs her own sub-corporation with Remax Affiliates.
“The only reason I have it easier than anyone else starting off at my age is that we have already over 10 years established. I know people that are not much older than me that have tried to succeed and could not, because nobody knew them.”
Though he claims he has little time, Warren admits that, “I like to cook on my spare time and to invest in companies that have potential, as well as commodities and natural resources.” He is not so different from his fellow college students at heart, enjoying spending what time he can with his girlfriend of five years, and playing Halo.
He appreciates all types of music, if it has a good solid rhythm though he admits, “I’m not a picky guy, but I don’t like dubstep. I can deal techno, but I don’t get dubstep. I like classic rock.”
Warren describes himself as, “a people person, I enjoy hearing people’s backgrounds, their experiences, what they’ve accomplished and suffered through. “When you do those kinds of things it makes you a really good judge of character and gives you a very good idea of who they are.”
To sum it up in one quote, “I love story time”, he said. Also a lover of history, Warren would love to see the Vatican in Rome, and to learn more about the past.
To him, history teaches us many things, “You can’t know where you’re going without knowing where you’re from. There are just so many lessons to be learned throughout history.”
Mike volunteers with an entrepreneurial adventure program sponsored by the Bank of Montreal.
“We are volunteering through the school boards, public and catholic, to teach kids up to high school business skills. Young children are so creative and I inspire them. You help the community it’s most likely the community will help you out. It is great for networking.”
He moved from Ottawa to Toronto and back growing up which was sometimes tough.
He describes moving around as, “you meet new people, you network. I used to get a little bit bullied when I was younger, but that stopped in high school because I was a star football player.”
“PROLONG for me is just a stepping stone where I can afford to learn. It would be nice if I sold more of it, but that also takes a lot of time and dedication that I don’t have at this moment. “