Swiping right on dating apps
When it comes to dating, it’s easy for millennials to go on Tinder and swipe...
Experiences that change your life
If you’ve always dreamed of getting your education at a foreign university, or if you...
Do you get enough sleep?
College students are known for their lack of sleep, and while Instagram and Netflix-binging are...
Sharing faith in Spiritual Centre brings beliefs together
The Spiritual Centre is quiet except for some chatter and laughter as the third Interfaith...
Beards are still a trend
Usually the first indication that a boy is going through puberty is the sight of...
Chef Catherine Beddall prepares for Valentine’s Day
For Chef Catherine Beddall, Valentine’s Day means some sweet business. Beddall is a sugar artist...
Pride Centre reflects on first year of operation
While the Pride Centre is only in its fourth semester of operation, it has been...
Life as a resident advisor
Zakrie Mazloum staples red letters onto a large black cork board outside his room. “Every...
Splitting hairs between genders
When a transgender student approached the Algonquin College salon for a haircut a few years...
New yoga club wants to help you start the new year right
A new year inevitably brings new resolutions that we promise we’ll stick to — whether...