Attendees of all ages were found when the Second City, presented by Cracking-Up the Capital, performed at the Algonquin Commons Theatre on Feb.4. The night was full of unscripted improvisations, rehearsed sketches and laughter.
“I hadn’t really seen too much improv up until now but I really enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun, I had a great time,” said Daniel Jacobson, one of many satisfied attendees.
The event was part of the Cracking-Up the Capital, a 12-year-old comedy festival to support mental health which attracts world-class comedic talent.
“I did improv in high school and I really enjoyed it, I love going to see improv shows. I’ve seen the Second City before and they were awesome,” said Sam Featherstone, Jacobson’s friend.
The main driving force behind a group of friends enjoying the Second City was a first-year political science student at the University of Ottawa, Alexander Wozny.
“I did improv back home, in Alberta,” said Wozny. “We have a lot of tournaments and it’s all very serious. We finally went to Ottawa a while ago for the Canadian improv games. We had plans to visit Toronto to see Second City. Things went awry as they do on school trips and we didn’t end up going.
“I saw they were coming to town and I immediately messaged my group of friends and said, ‘We have to go see the Second City!’”
He mentioned he plans on trying out for his school’s improv team this year after sharing his favourite moment of the show.
“Towards the second half, they began doing a lot of sketch comedy that involved the audience. They had a whole bit about what happens if certain countries won the World War and that was killer,” said Wozny.