Students gathered in the C-building courtyard on Tuesday to take some time to relax and play around in a ball pit.

The PokéBall Pit offered students the chance to race against the clock and search for prizes in an event put on for AC Day 1 to help new students get acquainted with the college.

“Students get one minute to find as many same-coloured balls as possible,” said Hailey Peck, a student volunteer. “If they manage, they get a prize.”

Prizes included t-shirts, rope bracelets and notepads, depending on what balls the students managed to get from the pit.

Evelyn Lilly, a first-year student in Hospitality and Tourism was one of the students to take part and win a prize.

“I think the ball pit is awesome!” said Lilly. “I’m very glad there’s something I can play around in.”