The new Algonquin Wolves logo.

In October, we shared an opinion survey with students at Ottawa, Pembroke, and Perth about the new Algonquin Wolves logo concepts. The opinion survey included two concept options – the Duality Wolves and the Two Wolves.

Your SA Board of Directors loved both concepts, so the opinion survey was a great way to help us see how others felt. However, the results were pretty divided – the Two Wolves concept received 49 per cent of the vote, while the Duality Wolves concept received 51 per cent.

After much discussion, we chose the Duality Wolves. It’s a beautiful sports logo and will enhance everything the Algonquin Wolves will become in the coming years.

After choosing the duality concept, the design went through a few edits and revisions. We’ve finally arrived at the final design, and I am excited to share the new Algonquin Wolves logo with you.

The Algonquin Wolves will become our identity when the Athletics and Recreation Centre (ARC) opens in the fall of 2021. I’m looking forward to sharing more of the Algonquin Wolves story with you in the new year.

Speaking of the new year – it is coming fast! Please take the time to care for yourself during exams and finals, we are almost at the end of the semester and the beginning of a very deserving break.

The Board of Directors will continue to work for you over the holiday break, and we cannot wait to come back in the new year to continue our priorities and connect with as many of you as we can.

Have a healthy, safe, and restful holiday break.

Emily Ferguson, Algonquin Students’ Association president.
Emily Ferguson, Algonquin Students’ Association president.