Students from five different general arts programs will come together to present their best work from the year for the 12th annual student showcase in the Student Commons.
On April 16, between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m., the cumulative student work from the year will be displayed and presented on both floors of the Student Commons.
As the date approaches, students in the design studies program have been busying themselves designing the shirts they will wear on the showcase night. They’ve also been building up a portfolio all year that they will have on-hand on the night of the showcase.
“They all come in here to develop a portfolio so this is a showcase of what they’ve done this year,” said Rosarii Mooney, coordinator of the design studies program.
The night will include live music put on by the students in the introduction to music industry program as well as live life drawings, interactive events for attendees, portfolio viewings and student art.
“There’s a big variety of stuff because, we feed into so many different disciplines of design, could be photography, advertising, graphic design, interior design,” said Mooney. “It could be anything so we do a lot of creative projects to give them a chance to show their creativity.”
The design studies program is only one of the five programs that will be showcased.
Other programs include introduction to concept art, pre-animation and illustration, introduction to music industry and introduction to fine arts.
Mooney says that each year they see a couple of thousand people walking through the event. Visitors include family and friends of the participants as well as program coordinators, students who currently attend the college and prospective students who are interested in seeing what these programs have to offer them.