If students need health care, they can seek it on campus or remotely. Photo credit: Julien St-Jean

With COVID-19 restrictions in place, Algonquin College’s Health Services will stay open to students for both in-person and remote services in the fall 2020 semester.

“The on-site doctor is available for patients who need to be seen in person,” said Susan McGarry, a front desk clerk. “So if a female student needs a pap smear, they can still get that.”

A handful of other doctors are working from home this year and will be available for virtual appointments.

“Our doctors are using a Telus video conferencing software to connect with patients,” said McGarry.

The software allows for fast interaction to make doctor-patient communication secure and reliable.

Changes are also in place for prescriptions.

Instead of up a paper prescription as they might have done in the past, medicine renewals are now done through the phone to the pharmacy. A student should call a pharmacy directly, and the pharmacist will send a digital requisition to the doctor for approval.

“If a student with asthma needs a refill on his or her inhaler, they would do it this way,” McGarry explained.

If a patient is in need of new or changing medicine, the doctor will “call it in” and place an order directly to a pharmacy.

“We also try to have students do their blood work at a separate lab now,” said McGarry.

The doors to the clinic will remain closed to walk-in patients. Students are instructed to call 613.727.4723 ext. 7222 for appointments.