For Algonquin College journalism and radio students, the only thing better than lounging around on the first day of fall break is the chance to cover a federal election.
Volunteers from both programs are collaborating to produce a special live election night show on CKDJ 107.9 from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Follow this rolling story to hear from our hosts and reporters in the field share news, student voices and early results from riding headquarters around town.
I’m as green as you can be when it comes to reporting, which is why I’m so thankful for @Perushka_G (the editor of @algonquintimes !) for allowing me to come out with her and cover the federal election. #ElectionDay #acelxn43
— Kieran Morgan (@Kieran_Morgan1) October 21, 2019
Liberal party preparing for private event tonight at Craft Beer market. #elxn43 #acelxn43
— Jessica Alexandra Hempinstall (@jaalberga) October 21, 2019
Election night collaboration underway! The @algonquintimes and @CKDJ1079 teams are ready to update you throughout the evening! #acelxn43 #elxn43
— Algonquin Times (@algonquintimes) October 21, 2019
Volunteers are feeling optimistic at the #NDP riding of Kanata-Carleton. Volunteers say that one of the main concerns in this area revolve around affordable housing. #acelxn43
— Kieran Morgan (@Kieran_Morgan1) October 22, 2019

Algonquin Times and CKDJ 107.9 election team members are warming up for the live show. Test chats with reporters in the field are underway.

Eli Pearson gets ready for the Algonquin Times/CKDJ election show to go live at 9 p.m.

With @ebrit_ at @anitavandenbeld’s campaign party. With the polls closing soon, tune in to @CKDJ1079 for live updates from ridings across the nation’s capital. @Algonquinjourn #acelxn43 #CanadaElection2019
— Emily Hsueh (@ehsueh_) October 22, 2019
I’m as green as you can be when it comes to reporting, which is why I’m so thankful for @Perushka_G (the editor of @algonquintimes !) for allowing me to come out with her and cover the federal election. #ElectionDay #acelxn43
— Kieran Morgan (@Kieran_Morgan1) October 21, 2019
Melissa Coenraad when asked about a potential coalition between the #NDP and #Liberal parties: “Jagmeet wants a partnership; not a coalition.” #acelxn43
— Kieran Morgan (@Kieran_Morgan1) October 22, 2019

Behind the scenes, editing and research supports the on-air and reporting team.
Hope you’re listening to @algonquintimes and @CKDJ1079’s live election night show. Here are hosts @RobinPayne17 and @JournalismPopal, talking with reporters in the field.
— ACjournalism (@Algonquinjourn) October 22, 2019
The party is just kickin off at Connor’s Bar in Orleans with local Conservative party leader David Bertschi #acelxn43 #elections #canada #ckdj #radio #algonquincollege
— Dana (@danasimpson) October 22, 2019
Big smiles and lots of anticipation at the Liberal party gathering at Occo Kitchen in Orleans. #acelxn43 #algonquincollege #elections #liberal #orleans
— Dana (@danasimpson) October 22, 2019
Jessica Brando, radio broadcasting professor, shares some analysis on the early results.

Although results continue to roll in, that’s a wrap for us. Algonquin Times will continue with post-election follow up stories in the days and weeks ahead.