“It’s an idea of the Christian Fellowship: we come together, we share our daily food and we pray,” said Yuriy Derkach, the chaplain of the Campus Ministry at the college, explaining the Spiritual Centre’s Lunch and Learn.
Talking about religion can be divisive. Lunch and Learn is an event held every Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. inside the Spiritual Centre situated on the second floor of the Student Commons. It offers students a place where they can get a free lunch and have a discussion about faith and culture.
Although it’s a Christian program, students from all walks of life are welcomed to the Lunch and Learn, and share how they practice.
“Every human being can share something amazing about what works in their life,” Derkach said. “We try to focus on that.”
Lunch and Learn provides an opportunity to meet and get to know other people, says Christopher Onis, a first-year student in police foundations.
“I like conversing with people over a meal,” said Onis. “I like eating with people and talking to them. I have made a few friends here as well.”
School life is demanding and for students who are religious, Lunch and Learn offers them an opportunity to have a discussion about faith.
“I am in college, having a place to come and share about my experience, at school, is amazing,” said Onis.
The Lunch and Learn event attendees talk about other topics other than faith.
Lunch and Learn will be talking about St. Valentine in the coming weeks, says Derkach.
Bringing people together and sharing, not only a free meal, but also life’s experiences is the purpose of the event. As Derkach explains, creating bonds between individuals by sharing their practices and cultures were behind the idea of creating Lunch and Learn.
“It’s an event to unify people. Bringing people to the table and talk about what unites us,” said Derkach. “Not to be arguing, not to be divisive. Putting our hats together and hopefully turning our hearts together.”