Signs around campus encourage students to practice physical distancing and to stay home when feeling sick Photo credit: Julien St-Jean

Algonquin’s first confirmed on-campus case of COVID-19 was reported on Wednesday in Ottawa.

In a letter from the president, the college announced that an Ottawa student who has recently been on the Woodroffe campus is now self-isolating after testing positive for COVID-19. The college is investigating the case with the help of Ottawa Public Health, and plans to contact members of the college community who may be affected.

“Just as COVID-19 cases have risen in Ottawa and across the province, Algonquin College has also been affected,” said Claude Brulé, Algonquin’s president, in a midday email on Sept. 16. “Algonquin has had its first case of COVID-19 affecting a student who has been on-campus. The student is self-isolating after testing positive for COVID-19 and we wish them a speedy and full recovery.”

The college has also launched a new website to track confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus at its Ottawa, Perth and Pembroke campuses.

“The health and safety of our community continue to be our top priority. I have full confidence in our campus health and safety plans and campus access procedures,” said Brulé. “With our continued focus on remote learning and limited face-to-face activity, and renewed vigilance by those members of our community required to be on campus, I am confident we can continue to minimize the risk of cases.”