By: Tyler Follett

Hallway walls will soon be covered with posters as prospective SA candidates prepare to campaign in this month’s Students’ Association election.
The current board of directors have selected their choices of who will be running for president and vice-president positions on March 6.
The following day will mark the launch of the officers’ campaign.
Interested potential candidates had the opportunity to submit their names in January. In order to qualify they needed 50 signatures and were screened and interviewed by the current board.
The option remained for people to be nominated from the floor, by submitting themselves as a late entry at the Annual General Meeting on March 7.
The candidates will come from the new board members, consisting of eight newcomers and one veteran.
At the AGM, the directors selected their choices to run for office. The directors’ choices make up the individuals who will run for both Student Association president as well as vice-president.
Those selected by the board can’t start setting up posters until the campaigns can officially begin at 12:01a.m. March 7. Election day will be March 22.
“I’m the top officer, but I still have to report to the board,” said current president David Corson, shedding light into the everyday musings that make up the job.
For his part, Corson has been keeping busy by preparing his working report for the next president, to help make a smooth transition for the new officers.
“Should I be handling tuition issues for next year, or should I compile all the information regarding the subject for my successor?” said Corson.
“I’m preparing a working report for my successor to help fill in any blanks for them,” Corson explained.
It’s all part of a concentrated effort by Corson to constantly improve and work on relationships between the SA and other student groups, as well making the SA available to students at all times.
“It’s one of the reasons I reached out to the Times, CKDJ, city council,” Corson said.
Corson highlighted the ways the SA can work together with the city and community in order to grow together, rather than working against each other for common goals.
“This school is the number four employer in the city outside of the government. We do not directly effect that, but we do impact it,” Corson explained.
Relationships between the SA and city council and communities have noticeably improved under current management, in what should be a sense of pride for Corson and his colleagues.
“I had a blast, I really had a great time in this position,” said Corson.