“I had been travelling for about a month, and when I came back to town for Valentine’s Day my girlfriend ended up coming up to me and telling me she had got front row tickets to go see Elton John in Ottawa.” Jacob Crawford, a first-year computer programming student.“The boy I was dating at the time got me roses and they were my favourite colour: orange.” Alannah Smallian, a first-year animation student.
“We had been dating for six months at that point, and it was our first Valentine’s Day together. I was in college, he was in grade 12, and came back from school and went over to his house and he had been making dinner all day. He had made scalloped potatoes, chicken and vegetables. He moved his sister upstairs and had gotten everybody out of the way and set up the table. We had dinner together and then we went downstairs and he had three movies laid out and said, ‘Pick whichever you want to watch.’ He had gotten me a little teddy bear and we watched Marley and Me.” Emily Fetterley, a third year event management student.
“I went to the parking lot, while they were at work and I wrote a note saying, ‘Hope you’re having a great day, beautiful. See you when you get home,’ and stuck it in the wiper blade. It was actually kind of mean, because I made the outside of the envelope look like a parking ticket and I hid some little chocolates inside the car and when we got home we went out for supper.” Phillip Jaakkola, a first year registered pre-nursing student.“In my undergrad, a group of girlfriends and I went to a movie on Valentine’s Day. We just ate junk food, drank wine and chilled together. I think love for your friends is just as important as love for anyone else.” Courtney Young, a first year interactive media management student.“My boyfriend last year knew that I really liked chocolate covered strawberries, so he woke up really early that morning and made a box for me. Later that morning, he showed up at my door step with flowers and a box full of homemade chocolate covered strawberries.” Melissa Maileau, a second year child and youth worker student.“We went to this place we’d never been before and he was like, “I’m going to order the fish’ because fish is usually expensive and he was trying to impress me.” -Krista Schmidt, first year animation student“I was nine-years-old and I was going to the movies with my little boyfriend and he stood me up on Valentine’s Day. I saw him during the day at school and sh he gave me this chocolate heart and I hadn’t eaten it yet. So at the end of the night I just smashed it against the wall.” -Jenny Sipos, first-year culinary skills student“I really like this girl and we kinda had a thing going on. I decided to go for Valentine’s Day and buy her a big box of Belgian chocolates. I gave it to her and she told all her friends she liked me. Then after that when I met her at her locker, she told me she just wanted to be friends.” -Ande Valentine, first-year police foundations student
“Me and my boyfriend made these huge plans to go out to this brand new restaurant that had just opened downtown in the Market. So we’re trekking back and forth in snow up to our hips and we’re freezing cold. I couldn’t feel my fingers. Three hours in, he goes, ‘let’s go to Subway’.” -Mina Koco, first year pre-nursing student“The only thing I ever got for Valentine’s Day was when I walked downstairs and saw something on the kitchen table . It was a present from my parents. It was chocolate and a card saying they loved me.” -David Trakalo, second-year accounting studentI went out and bought tickets for City and Colour. The day of the show, I see on Facebook that my relationship status was changed from “in a relationship” to “it’s complicated.” I went to the show by myself and watched a bunch of couples have fun and do Valentine’s stuff
Amy Mehta asked Algonquin Students about their best Valentine’s Day stories; Dai Watkins asked students about their worst Valentine’s Day stories.