If Simeon Seguin had his way, instead of playing Angry Birds on the bus, people would play his application that helps students study.
“The ultimate idea is to help people study in a fun way,” said Seguin.
Seguin, 33, an Algonquin graduate, is the mastermind behind StudyBugApp, which helps students study in a more accessible way.
The idea for the Android application blossomed four years ago. Seguin has often studied well using cue cards. This was the app’s original foundation. The current application will introduce a game called Study Cubes to help students study.
Seguin is a client with the school’s Office of Applied Research and Innovation. Six students in the interactive multimedia development program were called upon to provide content – like a promotional video and shirts – for his Kickstarter campaign. The campaign was launched on April 1 and will last 30 days, with a fundraising goal of $10,000.
The students who worked on the project were paid in grades instead of money. Their objective was to brand the StudyBugApp. Their contribution will debut at the Applied Research and Innovation Day on April 10.
Seguin wanted to solve student’s problems with studying, as he found that, like him, not many students could sit down and force themselves to study. With this application, it isn’t nearly as bad. Users have the ability to study literally any subject. Unique content can be uploaded, where they place the question in one column and the answer in the next column. Users have the ability to upload content in text, video, image or audio.
“The idea is to put pressure on the user and take their mind off the fact that they’re studying,” said Seguin.
Seguin thought his application was unique because it functions as a game. The application can also work as an organizational tool for all of the students’ notes, where one can share notes with friends in one specific spot.
There are plans to introduce a hub of games and multiplayer mode in the future.