For part-time student Samantha Price, participation in this year’s CIBC Run for the Cure on Oct. 4 was a meaningful experience for her and her family.
It came as a shock last year when the 24-year-old, now studying residential décor at the college, was diagnosed with breast cancer.
“What’s even more shocking is that my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer four months after me,” said Price. “She had a different cancer than me – it wasn’t genetic.”
In honour of Price and her mom, a team of 70 of their family members, friends and coworkers formed team Under (Re)construction to run in CIBC’s Run for the Cure.
Price had originally set the team’s fundraising goal at $1,500.
But after several bake sales and similar events, collectively they rose over $12,000.
“The community and the students have been encouraging and supportive,” said Price. “Even on student budgets they’ve still been donating – it’s exceeded my expectations.”
This year the CIBC Run for the Cure raised an estimate of $1 million to put towards breast cancer research.
After living through surgery, chemo and radiation treatments, Price knows first-hand how difficult the fight can be and how such a diagnosis could emotionally shatter a family.
“You hear about breast cancer and you think of older women,” said Price’s cousin, Katerina Glowienka, a second-year professional writing student. “You look at Sam and you don’t think anyone so young and healthy could be affected.”
Although Price’s life has been tough over the past year, she remains positive.
“My hair is finally growing back and about a month ago I finished my last treatment,” said Price. “I’ve been declared cancer-free.”