Allie Pearse hosts a Girls Night Out in the Observatory
Allie Pearse headlined the four-woman Girls Night Out comedy show meant to celebrate single ladies...
Climate Zone: Environmental group seeks to promote sustainability on campus
As the fall chill seeped into the mid-October air, a group of three students met...
Campus clean-up event fosters community and cuts back on litter
Did the Woodroffe campus seem more vibrant and clean after the mid-term break? The once-familiar...
Explorer: War Games museum exhibit prompts you to consider big questions
About 10 years ago, Andrew Burtch, a historian who works at Ottawa’s Canadian War Museum...
Ottawa campus names streets after traditional Anishinaabe names
All four of the Ottawa campus’ roads were officially named as city streets on Oct....
Algonquin College entrepreneurs rendezvous over reading week
Reading week: A time for post-secondary students to catch up on assignments, rest, reconnect with...
Residence installs new laundry machines after ‘maintenance’ period
The qualms of laundry day in residence at Algonquin College are finally over for most...
College introduces gender-neutral bathrooms in three buildings
Algonquin College has introduced gender-neutral bathrooms in the P-building and E-building, as well as the...
From Stalin’s repression to the Communist club at Algonquin College
Anton Bogdanovich was born in 1889. He worked as a switchman at the Kalay railroad...
College plans to increase parking prices in 2024-2025 to match inflation
Despite the financial burden students are facing to try and keep up with the steady...