By: Michael Timmermans

Next to successfully passing all of their courses, financial success is top of mind for most students.
Having a job is key and employment opportunities are closer than you may think. There are many on-campus jobs available to Algonquin students, making it that much easier for them to balance work and studies.
By working on campus “you feel part of the atmosphere of the college. That’s what I like about it,” said Elaine Hagan, a second-year paralegal student who works at the information desk in C-building.
Chances are you come across students employed on-campus during the course of a typical day at school. They work in the bookstore, serve food, staff info desks and Student Association-run facilities throughout Algonquin’s campuses.
The SA at the Perth campus, for example, hires three students during the school year for part-time positions staffing the Fitness Zone and assisting with general office duties.
At Woodroffe campus the SA hires many students for numerous positions on-campus.
“The SA hires student for positions in our athletic department, Fitness Zone, the Observatory, theatre, SA office, marketing and Starbucks,” said Annie Thomlinson, manager of marketing and communication with the SA at Woodroffe campus.
The positions range from frontline service associate, marketing assistant, promo team, ushers, cooks, bartenders, baristas and cleaners.
“The students are on campus, smart and willing to learn new things. They are eager to do well and love their college so they want to see all things Algonquin do well,” said Leigh McKay, receptionist for the SA in Perth.
“It’s a great way for the SA to do word-of-mouth advertising – hire a student and they will have the inside knowledge on what is coming up,” said McKay.
Algonquin’s Employment Support Centre may be a good place for students to visit if they are interested in employment opportunities on campus.
“Current students are able to pursue opportunities with the college in a few different capacities,” said Jane Norman, employment officer with the centre at the Woodroffe campus.
“For example, the Campus Student Employment Program provides funding for some positions. In the past our department hired students to assist with clerical duties during peak periods. Here in the Employment Support Centre, we have a page on our website which offers more information on on-campus jobs and current listings for students and graduates. We also host job fairs throughout the year,” said Norman.
Working on-campus offers advantages to both students and those who hire them.
“We work your schedule around your timetable – school always comes first,” said McKay.
“You get to know more about your college and all the events and exciting things that happen. Your job is right here on campus so you don’t have go far to get to work,” she said.
Hagan’s colleague at the info desk, third-year business administration student Aurora Rawlings, likes the family atmosphere and relationship with her on-campus coworkers.
As you make plans over the summer looking ahead to next semester, applying for jobs on-campus may be the key to financial and academic well-being next year. Keep an eye out for job postings on campus, network with student organizations, college departments and services and speak to students already working around the college for information and opportunities.
“They are here on campus, they have the ability and the drive. Why not hire Algonquin students,” said McKay.