By: Justin Humphries

In an effort to showcase their home-grown short films, general arts and science students and faculty are working to host the ninth annual Algonquin movie night April 18.
After being graded and judged based on their quality, the best films will be rewarded. General arts and science students have been working all year on their films.
Stacy Corneau, a first year general arts and science student, opted to help coordinate and promote the movie night over the semester.
“I’ve spent the entire year promoting the event through things like bake sales and emails,” said Corneau.
“Students are able to make a short film, TV script or take a test for their final assignment,” she added. “I think there are only about 10 students who are making a short film for the event.”
George Shirreff, a general arts and science professor, is not only helping promote the event but is overseeing the project. He is excited to see the hard work of his students come to life every year.
“We had a few last year that were film festival quality,” said Shirreff. “Every year we’ll have a few stinkers, but I expect great films this time.”
According to Shirreff, the films range from documentaries to dramas.
“Last year, the winning film was a story about a girl in the market,” said Shirreff. “I don’t know where they found that girl, but she was perfect for the role. Her eyes really made the film.”
This year Shirreff expects there will be over 80 people attending to watch the student films. Students and their friends and family will come together to see the dedication come to life.
“I’ve got some alumni threatening to come out and kick it up a notch,” said Shirreff. “I’m sure there will be some films that will blow us away and I can’t wait to see how the students’ hard work has paid off.”