By Erich Engert
The Thunder women’s volleyball team dominated three sets to zero against the Loyalist Lancers on Feb. 8, finishing off their final home game of the season with great success.
Before the game could begin, head coach Everton Senior took a moment to recognize four players from the Thunder who may have potentially played their last game on home turf.
Right side, Tess Peterson, libero and left side in-training, Lauren Baerg, left side, Devon Brown, and left side, Jori Armishaw, who had been a part of the team for five years, were each named by Senior to be recognized for their help in the success and hard work that brought the team its wins.
“I’m going to miss the atmosphere and especially the feeling of family among the team,” said Armishaw. Her comment was quickly followed with a team member in the locker room jokingly insulting another player’s shirt which showed just how close of a family they are.
With emotions running high among the home team the game started and, without warning, the Thunder began showing their power over Loyalist.
“We started really strong,” said Brown. “Then we brought our game down to the other team’s level but we probably let a few more points in than we should have.”
The first set ended at 25 – 18 for the Thunder. The second set showed little difference with 25 – 17 and the last nail was hammered into the coffin when the Thunder scored 25 – 18 in the third and final set.
“We did well,” said Senior. “We had a few minor hiccups but everyone still did a good job.”
The next time the Thunder play will be at a high-stakes crossover game in Hamilton against the Redeemer Royals.
Last year the Thunder lost and now they are looking to exact their revenge.
On top of that, the game will decide whether the Thunder go on to the provincial championship which will decide whether or not Peterson, Baerg, Brown and Armishaw will be given a chance to play on their home court again before the end of the semester.