By Breanna Adams
Not everybody can be a tutor.
At least, that’s according to Joel Nethercote-Devlin, a peer tutoring and student learning centre officer who works at the second floor Commons building in the Student Services area.
“Tutors have to meet certain requirements,” said Joel Nethercote-Devlin, a peer tutoring and student learning centre officer. “They must maintain a B+ in the course, be a graduate of the program, have a reference from their professor and they need to carry a 3.0 GPA to be eligible.”
The tutoring centre is on the second floor of Student Commons. It is accessible not only physically but also online. You can apply online or pick up the phone and call the number that is listed there.
Everyone applying to be a tutor must, after they meet those requirements, go through a one-time training session with Nethercote-Devlin and only after passing that are they finally able to be a tutor.
“I think it’s a great resource for students who need help beyond what they get in class,” said Nethercote-Devlin.
Andrew Oliveira, a 26-year-old, second year professional writing student is one of the most highly recommended tutors at Algonquin. He has been a tutor since January 2013.
“I love it,” said Oliveria. “I have my own schedule, have my own clients and have flexible hours.”
The peer tutoring centre is a resource that is available for all students. It’s as easy as signing up.
“We are an additional resource for students,” said Oliveira. “The tutor is a student’s tool.”