Students hoping to take to the stage at Algonquin will have to sing their solos elsewhere.

With a successful intramural and competitive sports community, some arts students are questioning why Algonquin lacks consistent clubs and activities for those interested in visual and performing arts.

Theatre arts chair Peter Larock said a lack of momentum and resources is a potential cause.

Students of the performing arts program feel let down by the absence of extracurricular activities for those interested in the arts.

“It’s a little disappointing, but our teachers help us find things to do outside of the school,” said performing arts student Sam Levere.

Levere added the college should offer more activities and clubs for those interested in visual and performing arts.

The Students’ Association(SA) and arts faculty help students find volunteer opportunities in Ottawa’s arts community, but there are few options available according to SA volunteer coordinator, Rebecca Sun.

Factors like rehearsal time, qualified directors and stage crew as well as makeup and costumes contribute to why there is an absence of arts activities and programming.

Arts faculty have limited resources to help interested students create an extracurricular arts community, which leaves it up to students to initiate and sustain the club for future artists at Algonquin.

“It’s a very volunteer-based community,” said Larock, “You need that driving force to make it work.”