Welcome to the Blondie and Bonner show, hosted by Brian Bonner and Chelsea Rutherford. Like a phoenix, the online-based show rose from the ashes of public relations students Liv and Viv show to its current incarnation.

The hosts of the Liv and Viv show both graduated last June which left a vacuum in which Rutherford and Bonner — also PR students — seem to thrive.

“We are trying to stay with the same tone because last year, it was such a great way to communicate to students,” said Rutherford, in his second-year of the program.

“The show came out of the necessity of wanting to showcase what the Student Association does, because we do so much,” said Bonner, the SA marketing assistant.

“The theatre, the Starbucks and a lot of events that goes on in the school are actually run through us,” said Bonner.

Their main purpose is to deliver information to students in a relatable way with weekly videos uploaded to Facebook and YouTube on Fridays.

“I watched the show progress so I understand what I was coming into. We’re not trying to be them, but we’re trying to carry on the legacy,” said Jordan Wiens, the SA videographer.

Wiens worked with Liv and Viv last semester, as did Rutherford.

“It’s a great way to get information out to the students while also having a fun time. We wanted to showcase what the Student Association does for students on campus,” said Blondie.

To promote this year’s food cupboards ahead of Thanksgiving, Bonner and Rutherford tried the cinnamon challenge in the attempt to demonstrate one of many things which are harder to do than donate food to the less fortunate.

You can bring your non-perishable foods to the SA front office in the Student Commons throughout October.

“We want to emphasize that the SA does put on a lot of stuff for students, so come out to events and use the health plan,” said Rutherford.