Whether it’s an issue of installing software, connecting to a printer or network or not being able to sign into ACSIS or Blackboard, computers can sometimes be more of a hindrance than help.
This is where the ITS knowledge base comes in.
Using the ITS website, troubleshooters can find solution to problems at any time of the day, from anywhere in the world. This means that students outside of Ottawa and the country can prepare themselves before they arrive, so they aren’t just realizing they can’t log in after classes have begun.
“There’s new articles being added all the time,” said David Hitchcock, a technical writer for ITS. “There’s constant review of the old ones to make sure that old information is still current and usable. And that’s one of the biggest benefits of this system, is that it’s interactive. It’s not static, it’s not cast in stone.”
There are many programs that aren’t managed by ITS that still have information that can be found on its website, like VitalSource.
“Those initiatives went through LTS (Learning and Teaching Services),” said David Corson, also a writer for ITS. “When they mature, they come to ITS. And so, we take their information that they have on their websites and link to it. But we are also writing the base articles now that we own it. Here’s what you need to know so you can avoid our lines.”
After an article is written, they have it verified by the experts on the subject. This way all of the information is coming from an informed source to make sure it’s validated.